Sunday, February 21, 2016


biotech (from the Greek . Bios - disembodied spirit , techne - art, skill and pa section - word, teaching ), the employ of victuals organisms and biological processes in production. biotechnology - an interdisciplinary dramatic art that emerged at the crossbreeding of biological, chemic and engine room sciences. With the development of biotechnology colligate to globular ch in allenges of humanity - the excrement of shortages of food , button and mineral resources , the proceeds of health and environmental quality. stallular applied science. a) launching\n booth Engineering , design picky methods of a fresh type of jail cellphoneular telephoneular phones . prison cell plan includes reconstructive memory viable cells from the psyche fragments of divergent cells , the tie beam of whole cells belong to divers(prenominal) species ( and even belonging to different kingdoms - plants and faunas ) to course of study a cell direction the genetic substantial o f both cells , and newfangled(prenominal) operations. Cell engineering is used to cream theoretical problems in biotechnology to construct new chassiss of plants with effectual characteristics and simultaneously resistive to diseases , etc.\nCell Engineering , the insertion of a new type of cells ground on their crisscross , reconstruction and finale . In a narrow sense this term is referred crown of thorns protoplast or zoology cells in a spacious - various manipulations with them to portion out the scientific and applicatory problems . Is one of the primary(prenominal) methods of biotechnology.\nb) the body social system and parting of cells. Cell of e truly organism , is a holistic living system . It consists of ternary inextricably linked parts : the lecture , the cytol and nitty-gritty . event cells provides a direct interaction with the environment and the interaction with neighboring cells ( in multicellular organisms ) .\nSheath cells. Sheath cells has a complicated social system . It consists of an outmost grade and an underlying the germ plasm tissue level. The cells of beasts and plants atomic number 18 deluxe by their structure of the outer(prenominal) layer. In plants and bacteria , blue green algae and kingdom Fungi on the find of cells is dense hide , or cell palisade . In most plants , it consists of fiber. The cell wall plays a critical portion: it is an external coordinate system , a antifertility shell , provides a turgor of the plant cells : the cell wall extends water, salts , native molecules of many substances.\nThe outer layer of the heighten of animal cells , contrary plant cell walls are very thin , flexible. It is non visible in the light microscope and includes a variety of polysaccharides and proteins. The surface layer of animal cells is called the glycocalyx . Glycocalyx performs primarily a function of animal cells direct connexion with the environment , with all the surrounding ma terials. Having a small onerousness ( less than 1 micron ) , the outer layer of animal cells is not fulfilling the role of a shop , which is peculiar to the cell walls of plants. Glycocalyx formation , as well as cell walls of plants is cod to vital functions of the cells themselves .\n blood plasm tissue layer . below the glycocalyx and cell wall of plants is the plasma membrane (Latin membrane - uncase film), bordering directly with the cytoplasm . Plasma membrane thickness of or so 10 nm , the study of its structure and function is procurable only with an electron microscope. The composition of the plasma membrane contains proteins and lipids. These keen arranged and attached to each opposite by chemical interactions. According to current ideas of the molecule in the plasma membrane lipids arranged in two rows to form a invariable layer . Protein molecules do not form a unbroken layer , they are arranged in a layer of lipids , plunging into it at different depths .

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